what would you do?

At War With the Mystics

At War With the Mystics


それはそうと、At War with the mystics。本当にまったくもって、想像以上の作品が届けられた。i can be mean and vengeful..などとリリース前にウェインがあちこちで言っていたものだから、どういう事なんだろうと思っていたけど、やっぱりフレーミング・リップス。そこいらのお馬鹿バンドとは一味も二味も違う。

"sound of failure"では、ブリトニーやグウェン・ステファニーが名指しで皮肉られている。この曲に対して触れていたウェインの言葉が面白かったので、ついでにFilter*1 より引用しておく。

the song ends up being about a 17 or 18-year-old girl who is at a funeral or something for a friend of hers, and she's battling against this idea that being young cures all. I forgot who it was that i was listening to on the radio, but there's this type of music --- I'm not picking on them, but Gwen Stefani and Britney Spears, especially Christina Aguilera --- where they're all 17, but they're saying, "We're all going to make it, we're going to survive," and it's like SURVIVE WHAT?! survive high school? They're talking about this worldly wisdom where everything is good, and the character in my song is saying "No, i want to know what the bad things are and why, to know what the suffering in life is all about, and to learn from the failures instead of just acting like it didn't happen." She hears the sound of failure and instead of changing the channel, she wants to see what it's all about.